The endless darkness and the somber, long passages of a military complex have become the abode of evil, as thousands of blood-thirsty creatures fill its offices, storehouses and mysterious laboratories.
Your mission is simple: clear the base at all costs. You will be provided with explosives to help you gain access to the teleporters from which pour thousands of pitiless creatures. A stationary gun will aid in the defense of the area. You have been granted access to the most advanced weapons technology money can buy. As you earn your pay, you can equip yourself additional weapons in the arming area and biomechanical implants that will make your fighting abilities super human.
The alien invasion has begun, we have one chance, and that is to stop them cold in their staging area. Do not allow them the escape this facility, you are our last hope. The fate of humanity now depends on you!
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Selasa, 16 September 2008 - Alien Shooter Game overview
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Titanium dioxide to degrade pentachlorophenol
Pentachlorophenol is a phenolic compound that was chlorinated. Pentachlorophenol very toxic for our breath, cause dermatitis on skin and more toxic than inorganic solvent.
Pentachlorophenol waste almost dissolvable in water so degradation process is very hard. Some ways have been done to solve biological waste problem, but not efficient enough. For example, active carbon just involve pollutant absorption without decomposition process. Chemical oxidation process can’t decomposition all of organic compound be carbon dioxide and water, and have been used in high concentration waste.
Many century ago, scientist success to describe phenomenon photocatalytic in surface of metal-oxide semiconductor. Firstly, have been issued by Renz in 1921 until 1960, and not responding by scientist. Photocatalytic semiconductor popularity increase since publication Akira Fujishima in Nature magazine was issued in 1972. He was reported decomposition water be oxygen and hydrogen used single crystal TiO2 with input UV light in low energy.
First research, TiO2 have been used as photocatalytic suspension system. Nowadays, the uses TiO2 as photocatalytic is used in thin plate shape, which is immobilization TiO2 to many kinds of supported material like fiber, glass, silica, and titanium plat.
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how to make our body more health and energizer?
This several exercises and meditation help to improve your health, more energizer, more focus and more happy, fell free to do it everyday
Stand erect barefooted, relax your fingers, exhale gently, then bow forward with feet straight, touch your toes with your fingers, maintain this for a few seconds. Then inhale while returning to the standing position with arms raised as high as you can, continue your move until your body is bent backward. Then exhale while returning your fingers to your toes. Maintain this for a few seconds, inhale, and so on .... repeat seven (7) times
Relax your head, neck and shoulder muscles. Slowly rotate your head 3600 clockwise while inhaling. Hold your breath for a while, again rotate your head clockwise while exhaling. Repeat twice. Do the whole process but move your head counterclockwise, three times.
Stand straight, arms raised and outstretched to your sides. Rotate your body clockwise 3600 with eyes stay open while inhaling. When returning to your starting position, hold your breath, focus your sight forward, then repeat the rotation while exhaling. Do this five times, then repeat the whole process counterclockwise five times.
Stand straight, arms raised and outstretched to your sides. Inhale, hold, then exhale while moving your body so that your right hand is touching your left foot. Hold this position for a while, then return to your starting (standing) position while inhaling, hold, then exhale while moving your body so that your left hand is touching your right foot. Do this seven cycles.
Sit on the floor and cross your legs, spine erect, palms on your lap facing down humbs touching forefingers, eyes closed. breath naturally through your noseThen inhale for five counts, hold for five counts and exhale also for five counts. Then breath normally for a while before repeating the inhale, hold, exhale cycle. Do 25 cycles.
lay on the floor, spine erect, palms on your lap facing down, eyes closed. breath naturally through your nose, attention to the breath, do about 5 minutes
Do meditation, and visualize you are on forest complete with trees, animals and rivers etc, do about 10 minutes.
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